Friday, 23 May 2008

Heritage land rover day photos

Just a quick post to say that lots of pictures of series ones, taken at Gaydon at the 2008 60th anniversary Heritage Land Rover weekend (on the Saturday) can be found at my webshots page

Sorry about the quality, they were taken on a free digital camera with no zoom.

Webshots Album

Monday, 19 May 2008

Hand brake springs

My Hand brake ratchet spring has been weak for some time now, and I will replace it, however after having the hand brake slip off for a second time (no damage or real the landy was only on a the gentle slope outside the garage) I decided that a temporary solution was in order until I have the time to strip the hand brake mechanism and replace the spring.

So here is my temporary fix (some may say bodge but I think that's harsh :-> )

Take a hose clip (the sort that you screw tighter) I used one that was for a garden hose since that's about the same diameter as the hand brake.

Find a suitable spring with a hook at each end.

Hook one end securely round the rod end which which comes out of the back of the hand brake lever

Undo the hose clip and slip it over the hand brake.

Feed the other end of the spring under the clip, between the clip and the hand brake lever.

Slide the clip up the lever tensioning the spring. Tighten the clip when the tension is such that you can operate the push button and the spring operates the ratchet when the button is released.

It took me a lot longer to find a suitable spring that to fit and now my hand brake operates correctly, with no danger of it slipping off.

Must find a correct spring and repair it properly though

A New target

So my next target is the Series One Club rally at chepstow on 28th 29th June.

I should make this one surely.....?

I've not had much chance to do any work these last few weekends but I have ascertained that the front left hub oil seal has also gone. since all these were replaced when I rebuilt the axle some many years ago, I'm wondering if the spate of failures is due to them sitting built up for many years without turning a wheel. Anyway new seals and bearings (just in case) ordered, and I hope to get this sorted next weekend. This should mean that I can put the new brake shoes on all round, adjust the brakes and hopefully, finally get an MOT.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Heritage Weekend

So as you have guessed by now I didn't get an MOT in time for the heritage weekend. SO I sadly had to attend in my very un Land ROver like VW Golf TDI. Ah well there is always another year, and the 60th bash in June to look forward to.

I went on the Saturday to the heritage weekend, and it was a definite improvement on last year with more trade stands and some excellent talks, as well as all the Land Rovers to look at.

I must confess to being a bit gutted when I saw the display area for the series ones, right on the main concrete apron in front of the museum. Not too many either.

Some lovely vehicles and interesting ones too.

I registered for the Corgi limited edition set of 2 series 1 80" in a presentation pack HUE166 and the last 80" due in December.
Highlights for me were meeting Tim Slessor of the original 1st Overland Expedition, and seeing some of the pre pro Series ones (R3, L9)
Low point, seeing an excellent 80" rear tub for a 1950 80" (like my spares vehicle) and not being able to buy it as I couldn't get it home in the golf.

An all round great day - I'll be posting links to photos soon